Facts About Masai tribe

Facts About Masai tribe Facts About Masai tribe: Masai tribe is Nilotic ethnic group of people residing in the northern, central and southern regions of Kenya and northern regions of Tanzania. The Masai are known to inhabit the African Great…

Tsavo west national park

Tsavo west national park Tsavo west national park is a popular national park in Kenya situated in the coastal province of Kenya , the park is part of the great Tsavo conservation area together with Tsavo East national park with just a railway…

Serengeti Park fees

Serengeti park fees Serengeti Park fees : Serengeti national park is a popular national park in Tanzania situated in the northern region of the country, the park receives many tourists throughout the year and it famous for the massive annual…

Harare city

Harare city Harare city is zimbabwe’s capital city, it covers an area of 960.6 km   with approximate population of 2.8million by the year 2006.  Harare city thrives as Zimbabwe’s cosmopolitan business city, filled with people from all…

Lusaka city

Lusaka city Lusaka city is Zambia’s capital   city and the country’s central administration district. Lusaka city is situates in southern part of the central plateau in Zambia, standing in elevation of approximately of 1279 meters above…

Kafue national park

Kafue national park The incredible Kafue national park is the biggest in size of all the national parks found in Zambia. The park covers an area of approximately 22,400 km².  Kafue national parks also holds a record of being the second biggest…

South Luangwa national park

South Luangwa national park Zambia’s South Luangwa national park is one of the country’s most popular national parks and top traveller destination in the country.   South Luangwa national park is situated in the Eastern part Zambia covering…

Best time to visit Zambia

Best time to visit Zambia Best time to visit Zambia: Have you ever asked yourself what the best time to visit Zambia really is? Well Zambia as a travel destination that is pretty much visited all year round.  But   there are those months…

What to do in Zambia

What to do in Zambia What to do in Zambia : Zambia filled with a variety of attractions , to mention national parks, water falls , cities, lakes  and rivers  have equally created thrilling activities that’s keep its visitors entertained…

Victoria falls zambia

Victoria Falls Zambia Victoria Falls is   a water fall situated in Zambezi River in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Its also referred to as  mosi oa tunya  “the thundering water”  in lozi the local language, and  in Tonga local language : Namutitima…